CE Mark

European Conformity Mark

A CE Mark is a product passport that enables products to move freely within the European Economic Area (EEA).

Product sold in the EEA must comply with the technical criteria set forth in applicable European Union harmonisation legislation, including the placement of the logo on the product and accompanying documentation, irrespective of where the product is manufactured.

It involves a conformity assessment process that may involve authorised certification agencies such as SYSCERT, in which, the manufacturer or authorised representative assumes liability for providing the services declared and for ensuring conformity with CE Mark requirements.

SYSCERT is a body authorised by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism or the Ministry of Public Works and is accredited by the Spanish Accreditation Body (ENAC) with respect to ten CE mark Directives and Regulations.

As an indicator of conformity, a product must comply with the requirements established by European Directives or Regulations and the EN technical standards (European standards) that, if necessary, apply to the marketing of the product at issue. When an authorised body takes part in the production monitoring phase in accordance with the applicable European Union (EU) harmonisation legislation, its identification number must be included alongside the CE mark.

CE mark certification can be included in ISO 9001 quality management system certifications.


For the manufacturer:​​

- The CE mark allows for unrestricted access to European market, avoiding technical barriers.

- The CE mark is also recognised by other global markets.

For the the consumer:

- The CE mark ensures that the product is safe.

- The CE mark guarantees certain levels of safety, functionality, durability, energy saving and environmental protection that are common throughout Europe.



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